The race is on...
Several custom made robots driving and together a great display of robots racing.

Several custom made robots driving and together a great display of robots racing.
This robot is sold.
These doggies are sold. Please keep an eye out for more new puppies!
Jiminy is Sold.
Martin is sold
A custom made MSU Drummer Bot Touch Dimmer Lamp with USB ports.
Parts include: a rotary trimline wall telephone, a 1950’s Juicer, Tablespoons, Vintage casters.
This steampunk inspired air boat is assembled from : an 1899 Bicycle Oil Headlight, Kodak Bellows Camera, Antique wood shoe forms, Vintage Yankee truck cab lights, silver plate dust pan, vintage silverware, antique faucet handles, and other vintage items. This is a lamp with a touch dimmer and extra outlets and USB charging ports.
This Steampunk inspired ray gun was assembled from a sprayit paint gun, lawn aerator, antique lamp glass, silverplate wine goblet, 1901 eather canister, inkwell, and other vintage and antique goodies. I comes in a custom wood create that utilizes the same craftsmanship from a 1900's laboratory.